Hypnotherapy can be utilised for the pregnancy process to keep you calm, focused and primarily pain free if not completely throughout the pregnancy and the birthing process. Most women find their labour is very short, natural, safe and stress free so no epidural or doctor intervention is required.
If you are wondering why I don’t need to be there for the birthing process it’s due to the fact that our bodies already have the ability to provide a stress-free and natural birthing process. Hypnotherapy activates the mechanism so it is waiting and ready fresh in your mind for when your child decides they're ready to come out into the world. The moment your water breaks and/or you start receiving contractions naturally the process begins on celebrating the birth of your child.
Magdalena Hypnosis runs a special program for Hypno-birthing. It is a 5 week program with one session per week for 5 weeks with the fifth session free. This is usually done one month before you are due to give birth; the cost of the program is $400 or 3 sessions for $300. Alternatively if you are already in your last month, 1 session per day for 3-5 days is also available at $100 per session.
"Thanks to Hypno-birthing I had a quick labour with very little pain, Hypnotherapy rocks!"
L.B. Hypno-birthing client 2010
*L.B. had her first baby, a very happy and gorgeous baby girl, she had no epidural and Hypnotherapy also cleared her back problems.